Automatic doors can be used in any entrance like small, medium or big entrance,its effectively contribute to save energy and reduce the heating and cooling costs in Electric bill. Doors open only when activated and automatically close so to eliminate the doors being left open. They also prevent air-conditioning from escaping and outside air and dust from entering.
1.Customers prefer automatic doors.
While in a survey, reachers decleared that the Showroom with automatic doors as better foot fall from manual door, This will increase the face value for the showroom day by day.automatically its increase the business level.
- Airport
- Hospitals
- Hotels
- Shopping Malls
- Jewel Shop etc..
2. Ample Design
There are many types of automatic doors available, in many different styles, sizes, finishes and designs.There are Variety of models to suit your business needs.
Options include:
- Automatic swinging doors
- Automatic Break open doors
- Automatic sliding doors
- Automatic rotating doors
- Automatic Bifolding door
- Automatic curve door
3. Advantage
Its effectively contribute to save energy and reduce the heating and cooling costs in Electric bill. Doors open only when activated and automatically close so to eliminate the doors being left open. They also prevent air-conditioning from escaping and outside air and dust from entering. it will make customer to get in and shop easly. its a value added jewel to your showe-room
4.Improve new walkin
When customer passes the shower room, while automatic door opens, the door will garb the customer’s attention and make then walk in easly, Automatic doors create a perception that your business center is state-of-the-art, which can help subconsciously justify to close the deal.
5. Maintenance free
All the automatic products are in today’s technologically sophisticated one, So automatic doors are manufactured to the highest quality and international safety standards. With proper installation. So just need a little bit of regular maintenance, then the daily operation should be straightforward and trouble-free.